Partnering With Us Will Help Transform Lives!
As you consider your support, we encourage you to think of the young women in your life. Have you known someone who could have benefited from the services we are now offering at SJNC?
If you haven’t known someone personally, you have seen these hard-working mamas. They work at Target, Publix, Walmart, Starbucks or even at your favorite eatery. Hard working women, juggling multiple jobs . . . just to keep their head above water and to provide for their children. Help us get them to that next level.
Another way of helping us is to spread the word! Please tell your friends, family, and other community leaders about St. Joseph Neighborhood Center! The more support we receive the more jobs we can create. The more jobs we create together, the more families we can help, and our mission will expand tenfold.
Will you become a St. Joseph Neighborhood Partner today by making a gift?